Sunday, 30 June 2013

Shops on the Rise - and fall

Not sure if I'm slow on the uptake but, it looks like Howie & Belle have / are closing down. I haven't seen them open for some time and the sign above says 'shop to let'. Maybe not a surprise with Niche, and Circus just next door?

The Diner is shut - bring on Madame Gautier! Has anyone seen or been to their shop in Barnes?

The shop that seems to change tenants annually, previously 'puf up' (next to Essential Beauty and the Just Barking) is now a nail bar - a surprising choice considering their neighbours. How many beauty parlours can the ladies of Kendal Rise support?

What did we make of the 'Sun Riser' event? - worth doing it again in September?

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Kensal Rise artist open studio

We went along to this today. It's four artists displaying their works - work a visit if you are in the area. It's a normal house so look out for the bunting. 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Chamberlayne Road 20mph Scheme

Just this morning got sight of the public consultation being done for the "Local Safety Scheme - Chamberlayne Road. Between Okehampton Road and Harvist Road junctions"

Looks like the following:

  • 20mph Okehampton to Harvis road
  • Raised table / bump at exisiting pedestrian crossing near Okehmpton road
  • New Zebra crossing outside the church
  • Raised table / bump at Kemp Road
  • Moving give way line further forward on side roads
  • 9 new Trees
  • Remove ugly fencing / railings
Did I miss anything? Looks great, I think it'll make a real difference - hopefully discouraging people driving dangerously / at speed.

I'll try to add a legible picture here:

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Buses on the Rise

An interesting article on the Brent & Kilburn Times website about 'Ghost Buses' on Chamberlayne Road - primarily identifying the 302 as being under used - perhaps only interesting to me and my transport fetish.

A consultation will be launched on plans to change route 302 from Kensal Rise to Queen’s Park which could result in fewer buses using Chamberlayne Road. It is suggested that the 302 (which follows the 52 to Willesden) is under utilised and a 'waste of public funding'

Apparently bus companies are paid £4.70 / mile irrespective of the passenger numbers.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Dry cleaners

I note the drcleaners on Station Terrace has a new (temporary) sign, suggesting new management? It's probably a good thing - I only used the previous place once as I found it extremely expensive.